Friday, May 13, 2011

Amazon Amazing-ness!

Hey there! I hope everyone has had a superb week so far. It's so beautiful outside with the sun shining and 100000% humidity! Hope you like hair frizzies because you can't get around them :) I want to introduce you to the world of online shopping on this awesome site called amazon. Now I'm sure that many of yall have heard of it, maybe bought a thing or two off of it, but do you realize that amazing steals you can find? If not, keep reading!
With summer just around the corner, there is much potential for boredom, but Amazon has movies upon movies that you can watch for FREE if you are a prime member (I'll tell ya how to become one later)! Just click on the word movies with the hyperlink and it'll take you exactly where you wanna be! Ya, that's right, zero, zilch, nada. Some of these movies to name a few are: The Magestic, Training Day, Conspiracy Theory, Charlie's Angels, and I could go on and on.
In addition to movies, you can also get a bunch of new songs for only $.69! Thats like half the price of itunes, which might not seem much, but if you save a few cents here and there, you'll start seeing the difference!
You can also visit today's deals to find some super steals. One that I just found is a pretty sweet watch, originally $895.00 (Invicta diver's watch) for $71.99. Father's day is just a little over a month away, so it would make a really great gift!
So if you are not familiar with Amazon Prime, let me help you out a little! It is about $80 a year, which, if you shop online a lot, can end up being a better deal rather than paying for shipping. You can also stream movies and videos for free which saves you $.99-$3.99 a video. You have free 2 day shipping rather than the option of having 3-5 day shipping. Best part is, if you are a student, you  just enter your student e-mail address and you get a year for FREE! You can also set up a free trial just to see if you like it! Also, if you are a mommy or caregiver of any kind, you also get it for free. Just click here!
Basically, I just want to make you aware that bargain shopping doesn't always require clipping coupons. You might have to wait 2 days to get your item, but you could save huge amounts of money by being a little patient. Another nice thing about amazon is that there are customer reviews, so even if I don't plan on buying the item from this site, I read their reviews by other customers who have bought the same item to see what they have to say about it. I wouldn't be saving money if I bought something that doesn't work or that I will end up not using!
Also, there is a big neighborhood garage sale (pretty well off residents=good finds!) Friday and Saturday 9am-4pm in Towne Lake Hills off of Towne Lake Parkway in Woodstock, GA. If you go to 5075 Winding Hills Lane, the profits for the sales go to support the fight against breast cancer.

Hope you all have an amazing day! Remember that happiness does not come by the things you have or how good you are at saving money, but rather through the small things in life. Jesus loves you! You are blessed beyond belief-even when things seem tough!

You're blessed when you are at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. "You're blessed when you feel you've lost what's most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you. You're blessed when you're content with just who you are-no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought."
~Matthew 5:3-5 (The Message)

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